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Review on Research Progress of Fishery Equipment and Engineering Technology at Home and abroad

2019-08-12 09:46:20

1 Fishing vessel equipment

1.1 Major research developments abroad

(1) Development of large fishing boats. The division of the 200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zone has changed traditional fisheries, and further fisheries require that the main scale of fishing vessels be increased. Some countries with developed marine fisheries have made great efforts to develop large and even super-large ocean-going fishing vessels. For example, the Dutch super-large tail-track trawler has a length of 140 M, a capacity of 11,320 M3, and a frozen catch of 300 t/day[ 19] And ... The 83.5 M captain/middle trawl dual-use fishing boat is used to catch and process herring. The daily production capacity is more than 200 tons. The processing residues can produce fish powder and fish oil on board. The hull design takes into account oil saving performance and good seaworthiness performance.[ 20] And ... In addition, new types of vessels, such as the 90-metre tuna purse seine, have emerged in the case of super-large tuna purse seine vessels.

(2) Pay attention to the development of fishing vessels fishing in the middle and upper strata. In order to capture pelagic fish resources, fishery developed countries have vigorously developed purse seine fishing vessels and fishing vessels, such as Norway's construction of a purse seine fishing vessel more than 60 metres long and a 45M long longline fishing vessel; It built 71m long middle trawlers and 41m long longlines and trawlers. In addition, the development of fishing vessels for medium-and pelagic fisheries has been accompanied by the active development of processing industries for medium-and pelagic fisheries, such as the freezing and processing of tuna and the corresponding ship-based supporting equipment.

(3) New equipment and new technologies are continuously introduced into fishing boats. Fishing vessels equipped with a fully automatic fish processing system(83.5 meters captain), fish can be accurately positioned; To remove the head and tail accurately and effectively. The fish machine is equipped with a visual system with a capacity of 300 tails/minute; Fish belly cutting equipment and scrubbing system. The entire processing line does not require operators and is monitored through a highly advanced visual system; The processed waste was sent to fishmeal processing equipment on board.

(4) FRP fishing boats are widely used. Glass and steel materials are widely used in medium and small fishing boats. In recent years, fiberglass fishing boats in various countries have developed rapidly. For example, Japanese fiberglass fishing boats account for more than 70 % of the total number of Japanese fishing boats, and they have many large-scale fiberglass fishing boats. In order to prevent pollution when fishing boats are scrapped, there are also some countries that have begun to build aluminum alloy fishing boats. This is also a new trend in the material of fishing boats.

1.2 Brief description of domestic developments

(1) China's fishing vessel type is changing the previous single model of trawlers. In order to adapt to changes in fisheries, it has begun to develop a variety of operational types, such as fishing boats and fishing boats. For example, China's first modern fiberglass offshore tuna longline fishing boat, captain 30m, ball nose, energy-saving rudder ball, using a high-efficiency propeller with large diameter and low speed, improved the ship's wave resistance[ 23] And ... The country's most advanced large ocean-going tuna purse seine vessel has also been built. The captain of the ship is about 70m, the design capacity is 1200 T, the dry and wet cabin fish is not less than 1100 T / day, and the frozen fish has a capacity of 300 T.

(2) Research and development of standardized energy-saving ships suitable for mass fishing. Among them, 35.5 M standard steel ship type(host power 225 kW) uses a new type of low-fuel diesel engine, shaft generator, catheter paddle, etc.; Some pay attention to the transformation of the hull structure, such as the use of a ball nose, the installation of column keel and so on; The fresh-keeping equipment generally uses freezing devices, and it has also been improved on AIDS for fishing and navigation instruments. For example, color radar and color Sonar are more commonly used[ 19] And ... 20 M Multiple operating vessels are more suitable for offshore operations. The first batch of eight ships of the two standardized ships was built and delivered for use.

(3) In response to the development of pelagic fisheries into deep-water areas, relevant research institutions have developed the H8L1/R1 350 kW high-power high-speed deep-water trawler for deep-water trawling in West Africa; The developed deep-water trawler can meet the operational needs of a 1000m deep-water trawl with a net speed of 110 m/min. In order to meet the need of efficient operation of the ocean purse seine, in the past two years, a set of efficient fishing equipment for the ocean purse seine was developed, including a floor-mounted mesh starter, a power scooter, a parallel double roller web winch, a hydraulic clutch pump station, and a hydraulic centralized operation remote control system. For the first time, load sensitive speed regulation technology was adopted in domestic fishing boats, which improved the coordination and automation level of system equipment operation.

(4) The glass hardening of fishing boats has a certain technical basis. From the point of view of shipbuilding materials, China's fishing vessel materials are still dominated by steel and wood. At present, it is actively developing fiberglass fishing vessels and has a certain technical basis. Fiberglass mobile vessels have been exported in bulk, including the construction of 30.80 M fiberglass vessels for Africa. At present, the annual construction capacity of China's fiberglass boat has reached 10,000 ships. Shandong province has become an important production base of FRP fishing boats in China.

(5) In terms of gear materials, research has been carried out on pilot equipment, process ripening, technical specifications and product standards, and application demonstration of self-reinforced polyethylene single wire, series of self-reinforced polyethylene nets for fishing use, and new materials for rope and light-emitting function ropes; Optimized the special structure of the knotting line, hexagonal mesh, with light-emitting cable and other series of specifications products, has a good market prospects and competitiveness; The latest research is to develop high performance polyethylene mesh clothing and rope matrix material optimization for offshore deep-water mesh box. In addition, the fracture strength and nodule strength of the modified ethylene single wire were significantly higher than that of the common fishing ethylene single wire.

(6) Fishing vessels promote the use of complementary power generation technologies. Using the abundant wind resources at sea, it forms a complementary power generation system based on wind energy and supplemented by solar energy. The preliminary test results show that wind and solar energy equipment have achieved good results on fishing boats, and are generally welcomed by fishermen. This has not only saved fuel consumption, reduced production costs, but also reduced environmental pollution. In particular, it can greatly improve the safety of fishing boats going to sea.

1.3 Domestic and external comparative analysis

Looking at the world ship technology development and the world fishing vessel development trend in the new century, it is not difficult to compare the current situation of fishing vessel equipment and technology in China, it is not difficult to see that there is a considerable gap between the two.

(1) Ocean fishing vessels are old, backward in equipment, and inefficient in fishing. China's major ocean-going fishing fisheries, such as large-scale trawls, tuna purse seines and tuna longlines, have been developed mainly through the introduction of second-hand fishing vessels from abroad, and problems such as the age of fishing vessels, the deterioration of their performance and the obsolescence of fishing AIDS are common. To the normal performance of fishing vessels caused a certain impact on the fishing technology and restricted the improvement and development.

(2) There is less accumulation of basic technologies and information for pelagic fishing, and less research and attention is paid to eco-friendly fishing techniques. China's ocean-going fisheries, especially the large-scale trawl, tuna purse Seine and tuna longline fisheries, started late, and its fishing technology is still in the process of digestion, absorption and independent innovation. The awareness of developing eco-friendly fishing techniques is relatively weak. In the face of global environmental changes, fluctuations in fishery resources, and changes in operating fisheries, there is a lack of targeted response measures.

(3) Research on new gear materials is lagging behind. Domestic fishing gear materials can not adapt to the development needs of the world fishing technology that increasingly pursues energy conservation, consumption reduction and efficient fishing. Currently, large ocean trawling and tuna purse-seine gear materials are mainly imported and require nearly $10 million in imported funds each year. For the domestic research and development of imported material performance analysis and new gear materials, there is still a lack of necessary project support.

1.4 Main hot and difficult issues

(1) Development and application of energy-saving products for fishing vessels. Energy conservation and emission reduction in fisheries has become a hot issue in the development of the industry. Energy conservation and emission reduction of fishing vessels is also a key area and difficult problem of energy conservation and emission reduction in fisheries. Fishing vessel type optimization, high-efficiency fishing vessel power plant, main engine afterheat utilization device, energy-saving fishing gear fishing method and fishing equipment are the key research directions for energy conservation and emission reduction of fishing vessels. The effective integration of energy saving technology and energy saving products of fishing vessel system is a scientific method to improve the energy utilization rate of fishing vessel in China.

(2) Standardization of fishing vessels. According to the numerical analysis and optimization study of the type resistance characteristics, wave resistance and maneuverability of fishing vessels in our country, the mathematic model of the standard design of fishing vessels is built, and the optimal matching numerical model of parameters of the ship, machine, paddle and net of the main fishing vessels is established. In order to meet the operational requirements of energy-saving fishing gear, research has been carried out on the performance optimization, mechanization and safety of fishing equipment, and a mathematical model has been established for matching the parameters of fishing equipment with mesh tools.

(3) Glass toughening of fishing boats. Based on the needs of the operating area and operation mode of the medium and small mainstream fishing boats in China, the research on the glass steel structure design and system technology of fishing vessels was carried out, and the model of the optimized design of the standard fishing vessel type was established. To improve the technical research of FRP material characteristics, mould and manufacturing process for fishing vessels; Perfect the specifications for the design and construction of small and medium-sized fiberglass fishing boats.

(4) Domesticated equipment for ocean-going fishing boats. Research and development of equipment for large tuna purse Seine and extended pelagic fishing system, large trawl, purse Seine and hoist net lifting equipment. We will carry out research on integrated applications of modern communications and hydroacoustic technologies and the development of fishing AIDS, and study key technologies for fishing AIDS, fishing equipment and digital information systems that focus on selective fishing, precision fishing, energy conservation and safe operations.

1.5 Science and Technology Frontiers

(1) Oil and electric hybrid technology for fishing vessels. Our country is mainly trawler ship type, the use of oil-electric hybrid technology can play a relatively large energy conservation potential. It is a key technology and important scientific problem to adapt the hybrid driving mode, hybrid conversion and joint output control, power storage and charge and discharge, equipment economy and so on.

(2) Large trawl and purse-seine equipment. For the efficient fishing operations of large pelagic trawls and purse-seine fishing vessels, it is necessary to equip an efficient set of automatic equipment for the lifting net, control net and catch extraction. Electro-hydraulic integrated control technology is related to the coordination of the operation and operation of the fishing system equipment. The automatic function of the lifting net equipment and the parameter optimization of the fishing gear method are the common key technologies for the efficient fishing of large-scale trawl and purse seine.

(3) Large longline fishing operation equipment. The functional equipment and its automation for the operation mode are the key technologies. It is necessary to develop and deploy lifting equipment for dry lines and branch lines, auxiliary equipment for transporting dry lines and storing dry lines, and equipment for automatically loading bait and throwing ropes. And the control system that operates and coordinates the automatic operation of these devices.

(4) Tuna purse seine technology. (a) Undertake systematic research, including into the use of operational fishing gear; With a fast and good maneuverability, optimize the matching of the ship, machine and paddle; Research and development of a Seabird radar for tuna detection, a radio beacon for GPS functions and a high-power long-range fish detector using hydroacoustic technology; Research and development of high-speed multi-drum bottom winch machine, power roller netting machine, catch starting equipment, frozen preservation storage technology, and automatic control system for fishing complete equipment.

(5) Precision fishing technology in marine fisheries. The key techniques of selective fishing gear are studied in combination with fish behavior by using new materials, new techniques and information technology of modern nets; Using modern hydroacoustic technology, electronic information technology, satellite remote sensing and signal processing technology to develop intelligent fish stock identification and other related fishing AIDS; We will carry out research on Automatic control of fishing equipment and integration of selective fishing gear and fishing AIDS, and establish automatic control models for accurate fishing monitoring and control parameters.

1.6 Trends

(1) The application of energy conservation technology for fishing vessels will be highly valued. Through research and application of energy-saving technologies such as fishing vessel type optimization, power plant, afterheat utilization refrigeration and energy efficient fishing gear fishing methods, the energy consumption of fishing vessels in China will be reduced in an all-round way, the efficiency and economy of fishing vessels will be improved, and the technical level of fishing vessel equipment in China will be improved. We will upgrade the technology of the marine fishery industry.

(2) The development of fishing vessel design and construction to standardization. Research on standardized techniques for fishing vessels, including the standardization of design models, ship types, materials, construction processes, equipment technology and quality management. According to the characteristics of offshore, Oceanic and pelagic fisheries, standardized fishing vessels with the goal of "safety, energy conservation, economy, and environmental protection" are designed and built to meet operational needs.

(3) The construction of ocean-going fishing boats. Oceanic fishing is a need for the development of China's strong maritime strategy, and the research and product development of domestic fishing vessels and their fishing automation equipment is an effective guarantee for the implementation of "making good use of two kinds of resources". It is an important technical basis for enhancing the international competitiveness of China's marine fisheries and supporting the strategy of ocean fisheries to achieve a strong sea.

1.7 Analysis and recommendations

(1) To carry out research on energy conservation technologies and integrated applications of fishing vessel engineering systems for the purpose of reducing energy consumption of fishing vessels, focusing on the study of energy conservation and optimization technologies for fishing vessel types, the construction of standardized ship types, and the design of software for fishing vessel types; Research on optimal matching technology of oars to improve the propulsion efficiency of different working types and working conditions; Carry out the research on the reusing technology of host heat, develop the key technology of afterheat refrigeration, and improve the energy utilization rate; We will carry out research on the integration and application of energy-saving technologies such as marine mechanical and electrical products and the use of new energy sources, solve the common technical problems in the application of high-tech energy-saving technologies to fisheries, and raise the level of energy conservation systems in fishing vessels. Research fishing vessel energy conservation standardization technology, construction of energy-saving fishing vessel design specifications.

(2) Establish a research and development base. We will establish a number of fishing vessel technology bases with strong technical forces and intensive personnel at the national, provincial and regional levels, and conduct research and development on fishing vessel equipment and technology. According to the fishery resources, the characteristics of fishing method and design of ocean-going fishing vessel were determined, and the suitable ship type, main engine and propulsion system products were studied. There are also many alternative studies in the current development of FRP fishing boats: the problem of wear resistance enhancement of FRP ships, the problem of poor rigidity caused by low elastic modulus, the structural design and molding process of larger FRP fishing boats, and how to reduce the construction cost of FRP fishing boats.

Address: No. 1 Xinhua Road, xincheng industrial area, ruian, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province
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ICP:Zhejiang ICP prepared 19030917-1