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ADDRESS:No. 1 Xinhua Road, xincheng industrial area, ruian, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province

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Fishermen's Notes | Attention to Fishing Production(Collection)

2019-08-12 09:49:21

The safety of fishery production is related to the economic development, social stability and the well-being of fishermen. The "Fisheries Industry" has organized the production precautions for fishermen's brothers for trawling, purse seine, drifting gill nets and fishing gear. It aims to avoid various fishing accidents and safety accidents in practical operations, prevent casualties, and damage equipment, thus improving fishing effectiveness.
1 Notes on trawl production
Points to note for two-boat trawling
1, release network and band network
1 The personnel participating in the net must wear the labor protection gear, place themselves according to the division of duties, sort out the mesh bags, net bodies, net sleeves, and the upper and lower outlines, and check whether the connecting parts such as the upper and lower link rings and clasps are finished. Split hanging wire, whether or not the cable is tied, so as not to slip off.
2 After releasing the net bag, the net personnel immediately transferred to the safe place. It is forbidden to step on, cross the net, and <UNK>.
3 If there is a failure, report the captain immediately, wait for the net and stop moving, fix it with a hook or rope and leave the root, and then deal with it; It is strictly forbidden to use hand plugs, pedals, or improper methods to fix mesh devices to deal with failures during the process of net release; If you need to deal with outboard and online failures, you must take reliable safety measures.
4 If everything is normal after the net is released, notify the ship with the corresponding signal. After receiving the signal to the ship, slowly move closer to the net ship so that the two ships maintain a certain safe distance and can hit the cable; Before throwing the cable, a call should be made to attract the attention of the crew so as not to injure people.
The following dangers should be put on full alert when the two ships move closer together: A. The steering gear fails. B. Affected by wind and flow pressure, the two ships are close to each other. C. The hook can not be opened for a while or slip out suddenly.
The net boat hits the head and must be retained with ropes. It is forbidden to press the foot with your hands. After the net docking is completed, inform the captain to put the ball on the ground and throw the speed at the same speed. Running on the side of the board prohibits personnel from working and staying, and it is not allowed to cross the border.
7 When the old root, there must be two people in the background, after the joint is released, then on the ring, after the good should review-all, and then put the old root out of the station.
When about 2/3 is released, notify the cab to stop, rest on inertia, and then drive gradually to drag.
When carrying the net, you must note the gear, position, speed of the boat, as well as the signal, weather changes, and changes in the state of the sea, so as to take preventive measures in time. In case of encounter with other fishing vessels, the Provisional Regulations on Avoidance of Concession of Fishing Vessels shall be implemented to prevent accidents.
2, start network
The two ships should be careful to drive when they rely on help, and should be particularly careful to operate in rough weather so as not to collide with rudder failure and the influence of wind and flow pressure. Special attention must also be paid to the sudden disconnection of the tracer, the failure of the rudder, the failure of the hook or the sudden slip, and the sudden pressure of the two ships.
2 After the tracer joint is secured, it must be arranged well. If it encounters a clasp, a loop, or a joint, the application of the active station rolls to one side to force it to prevent binding, prohibits hand-pushing, pedals, and closes when necessary.
3 When winching, both sides should be evenly twisted, and keep the tracer and stern with a certain slope, and properly adjust the car; After the air outline comes up, stop winching, drive and drag, and continue to twist to prevent the tracer or mesh from pressing the bottom of the boat.
4 The storm weather should make the ship in the state of surf or wave, not the waves hanging network; When hanging big feet, net body must add safety hook; Do not step on the foot, body pressure, prevent the net from falling into the water when returning.
(5) When hoisting bags, no one is allowed to stay in the fish pond, and personnel drawing rope are not allowed to stand on the side of the cabin or at the hatch; The lifting package shall not exceed the safety load.
In the event of a large net head, heavy sediment or dragging to an obstacle, use a stable car to winch in sections, not to hang with a boom; Use the clasp to reverse the twist, do not hook, so as not to hook straight injury.
Points to note for single-boat trawling
1, put the net
Before placing the net, you should carefully check whether the connecting parts such as the clasp and ring are loose and intact.
2 When the simple tail slide is put into the net, attention should be paid to winding the upper and lower steps to the side wall of the slide.
When the net is released, no one can stand on the Internet or in the ropes except for the staff of the bag net, so that it will not be too late to avoid being brought into the sea when the net is released.
4 When the tour is about to be loose, inform the bridge to stop. After the nose is connected to the tracer flat ring, try to pull it properly to prevent it from loosening. After the net plate is stopped, it can be decoupled.
5 After the net is filled with water, it should be accelerated. The rudder should be stabilized to prevent the board from tangled with the tracer. The stern personnel should pay attention to observation and command.
When loosening the tracer, the speed of the left and right loosening should be the same, not one speed at a time, in case the net is twisted and mud inserted.
2. Network
1 Pay attention to the force of the stern tracer at any time and the opening angle.
2 Observe the situation on the sea surface, pay attention to the dynamics of other operating ships, and promptly avoid gill net fishing gear, fishing gear and so on.
3 When the net is caught by an obstacle on the seabed or when it hears a noise or a strange vibration of the hull, it should stop immediately and report to the captain.
4 The steering corner when dragging must be determined according to the type of mesh plate. When avoiding ships, steering and turning around, the rudder angle used should not be too large, and at the same time, it must be determined according to the performance of the mesh. For example, Oval mesh plates are not easy to dump, vertical mesh plates are less stable and easy to dump, so the steering angle is generally controlled at about 5 °.
5 Trawlers should strictly observe the Provisional Regulations on the Avoidance of Fishing Vessels in the course of their operations at sea, that is, to avoid and display the specified lights and numbers in accordance with the regulations.

3. Network up
(1) Manipulating the netting machine personnel can start the netting machine only after hearing the signal of the slow car whistle on the bridge.
2 When receiving the tracer, attention should be paid to observe whether the wire has contusion, and if there is no loosening of the landing buckle.
3 When the net is about to come out of the water, the stern operator should ring the bell(with an electric bell) or hit the grid frame to inform the bridge to stop and remind the operator to pay attention to the gripping. The operator should test whether the operator's handwheel and brake device are sensitive, and slow down the winch speed, pay attention to the command of the stern, so as not to choke into the mesh and hurt or damage the tool.
4 When hooks are hung on the net board, they must wait for the net board to be checked before they can be hooked, and the operator must stand on the inside of the net frame to operate.
5 You can drive inside the roller of the winding machine, so as not to be cut and injured by excessive force.
When winching, the starboard side shall be exposed to wind or flow, and the winching shall be temporarily stopped before stopping.
7 In the wind and waves, winch, should be in conjunction with the sway of the hull timely winch or stop, so as not to winch.
8 When the fishing wheel of the simple tail slide is picked up, the stern commander should carefully observe and promptly direct the bridge to use the car to prevent the net and tear the mesh.
When hanging the fish bag, do not quickly twist when the fish bag has not completely left the water surface; When the large net or eat sediment, the overweight capsule net must pay particular attention to safety, in order to prevent the sudden force of the sling when the fish is discharged from the water and be pulled off.
People shall not stand between the net and the net, and they shall not climb under the net bag to Jiejie in case of personal accident.
After the hook is released, the hook is used to hold the hook, and the person is handed over to the chain and can not be released until it is properly connected. Don't throw it over. After the suspension net is finished, the hook should be hung tight to avoid sliding out of injury.
When the wind is strong and big, the suspension network personnel apply a cable to hold the net on the top of the ship's side with a hook suspension net, and absolutely stop using the body to press the net to prevent the net and the person from being pulled into the sea.
(10) When the net is lifted, the person who controls the roller of the net machine shall keep the distance between the two hand ropes and the drum more than half a meter. When hanging net, hanging fish bag and twisting big sleeve, must have special person to prepare to close net machine, when occurrence "add flower", should close net machine immediately.
Section 2 Attention to the Production of Drifting Gill Nets
1, put the net
1 When putting the net, the bottom outline is put as far away as possible. At the same time, bamboo poles or wooden sticks are used to force the floaters to prevent the net clothes from pressing into the bottom of the ship; The buoy loader dropped the buoy rope in order in time.
2 In the process of putting the net, the crew members on both sides of the iron bar of the net release the net. Put the first crew member of the net into the sea and put the net into the sea. In the process of putting the net, you must prevent the cloths from stretching in the sea. The second crew member put on the rope and must be quickly in the process of setting the rope so as not to affect the speed of the net. At the same time, care must be taken to ensure that the rope is not tied so as not to be dragged into the sea; The third crew member raises the net and at the same time assists in setting the rope and the connection between the net and the net(hanging board knot).
3 The five crew members of the deep-water drifting gill net stacking place pass the net tools to the net laying personnel. When passing, they must check whether the net tools are neat, and connect the net and the net with a sling knot.
4 If the wind direction is perpendicular to the direction of flow, or when the wind direction is perpendicular to the direction of movement of the fish, the downwind net is generally used, so that the released net is perpendicular to the direction of flow or the direction of movement of the fish. The fishing boat is required to maintain a straight line and avoid netting propellers.
If the wind direction is perpendicular to the direction and the wind direction is large, you should use intermittent driving to put the net. After the fishing boat drove the net for a period of time, it stopped by inertia and set the net several times until the net was finished. The net was wavy.
If the direction of the wind is the same or opposite to the direction of flow, the horizontal wind shall be used to cast the net. When the wind and flow are the same, the fishing boat maintains a certain speed and advances while placing the net. At this time, care should be taken to avoid the mesh near the ship's side and the net propeller; When the wind direction and direction are opposite, there will be a situation in which the grid is close to the side of the ship during the launch process. At this time, the ship should stop and the ship should advance by inertia. After the ship and the net deviate from each other under the influence of the wind and the flow, they will drive and put the net. In order to make the grid perpendicular to the flow. This is repeated until the net is released. The network is wavy in inclined direction.
2, drift tour
Is the grid perpendicular to the flow.
2 Whether the boat and net drift speed are consistent.
The shape of the net is normal.
When the force of the net is too large and the shape is not normal, it must be handled in time.
5 When the wind and flow changes greatly and the shape of the grid can not be properly unfolded, it is necessary to adjust or set up the net in time.
3, start network
1 When the net is up, the operating side is affected by the wind, and the downwind is used. The boat's bow and net are arranged at an angle of 25 ° to 40 °, separating the net from the ship to prevent the screen from pressing the bottom of the boat.
2 After the captain issued the net order, the stern crew immediately pulled the buoy onto the boat, pulled the float and Shen Zi on the boat through the stern motor, and placed it on the left side of the stern deck. In the process of pulling the sink, tie the rope and the motor to prevent it from falling off.
3 After the sinking is pulled onto the boat, the crew operating the winch must fully contact the net hoist during the operation to prevent the rope from falling and injuring people.
3 Section III. Points to Note on Seeker Production
1, put the net
The captain of the net should choose the position of the net according to the wind and flow conditions at that time. It is best to make the net ship under the wind, the net circle is in the downstream, and try to avoid putting down the wind net. When the fishing grounds are dense, the size of the ring should be fully considered.
2 When the net boat releases the net at 1/3, the light boat micro-enters the car and moves to the starting point of the throwing net, and adjusts the direction and angle to facilitate the net boat to move closer to the light boat.
3 When releasing the net, the opening speed of the bracket should be two loose and middle tight methods. When the water is shallow, the length of the bracket loosening should be shorter, and the length of the loosening should be longer when the water is deep.
4 When hitting the hook on the stern of the net ship, the hook should be prevented from jumping and injuring after the hook pops up. Before hitting the automatic hook, the stern personnel should be notified to leave, and then can be dropped to prevent people from being dragged into the sea.
5 When placing the net, it is forbidden to use the anti-rudder to prevent the bottom of the net.
After the night light is lured off the net, the light boat should remain in the center of the net or upper flow position to prevent it from being
Wind, flow pressure to the side of the float caused winding leaves, breaking the net and hanging off the underwater light accident.
2, start network
The speed of the closure should be based on the ups and downs of the fish. The fish stocks must rise faster when they rise, and the fish stocks must sink slower.
2 When the bracket is twisted, the bracket pulley brackets and various kinds of steel wire force directions are not allowed to stand, and they must not cross the steel wire; When the bottom platform fails, it must be secured with a sufficiently strong chain cable before it can be handled. It is forbidden to turn around and cross the platform scooter so as not to damage the equipment and injure people.
3 The bottom ring personnel should pay attention to the speed of the Internet to avoid running fish from the bottom class because of the early picking; Do not put your finger in the net or sit on the net when you pull the net.
4 The personnel who operate the stable car suspension net must be hoisted according to the command of the bundling staff. Do not hang too high on stormy days.
5 When using a sampan to lift a float, do not carry the float into the cabin to prevent too many fish from crushing the sampan.
3, fishing fish
When fish is heavy or rough, fish should keep more clothes. Don't get too tight to prevent the net.
2 With the net to take fish, should be the net tube bottom buckle, leaving the head. When lifting, you must take care to get out of the way. You must not operate under the net.
When the fish is not fished out, you must not use electric and mechanical Hedonglihuache to tie the net.
Wear a hard hat and life jacket, and don't lean out when you put the fish in.
Section 4 Attention to Fishing Gear Production
Attention to Squid Fishing Production
1, lifting anchor
The captain adjusted the position and bow direction according to the wind direction, direction, state of the sea and the dynamics of the surrounding ships.
2 When the sea anchor is placed, the main cable and secondary cable of the sea anchor should be managed, cleaned up the scene, and stood in a safe position.
When placing the anchor, you should put the floating ball first, and then put the secondary cable. After the secondary cable floats to the surface, you will begin to put the anchor. The main cable should not be left too tight. When starting the sea anchor, the cable is first twisted. When the length of the cable is longer than or equal to the length of the sea anchor plus the length of the anchor rope, the main cable can be twisted. After the main cable is twisted, check the Anchorage and fix it properly.
4 When lifting the anchor, the first mate should inform the bridge to cooperate with the car according to the sea conditions and the dynamics of the anchor and the ship, reducing the strength of the ship's rolling and main and secondary cables.

2, hand fishing industry
The end of the line must be fixed during the operation to prevent the loss of fishing gear. When fishing by hand, you must keep a certain distance from the fishing. Seat belts must be fastened in stormy weather.
2 When there is entanglement between the hand line and the machine line, and between the machine line and the machine line, the fishing machine should be immediately closed for cleaning. There must be an echo to each other, and it is forbidden to blindly pull hard and dry to avoid accidents.
3, machine fishing industry
When the fishing machine is working, the operators must not leave their posts, touch the working reel with their hands, and prohibit the removal of catches or debris. If there is an accident such as abnormal fishing machine or entanglement of fishing lines, it should be shut down in time for repair. After repair, it must be operated for a cycle before normal operation.
Due to the high temperature, large fish body and fierce squid in the Peruvian waters, the ship group should strengthen the safety management on the job site. When necessary, the crew members should fasten their seat belts to prevent them from falling into the water.
When getting up and down the net frame, you must hold the fixed facilities such as the safety rope of the net frame, and at the same time clean up the foot and pedal the object to prevent slipping.
4 When catching a fish or a large fish, the hand must not be near the squid mouth to prevent it from being bitten; The safety chain(rope) cable of the suspension frame must be guaranteed at least two. The chain(rope) cable and the frame shaft must be frequently checked and replaced in time to prevent the frame from falling off.
5 Use the knife correctly, put it in a safe place after use, and do not throw it casually so as not to be scratched by the knife.
When fishing in Peruvian fishing grounds, the fish on the net frame must be cleaned in time, and squid must not be piled on it; When you need to board the grid, you must not exceed 2 people to prevent the grid from being overweight.
7 When fishing machines are used to help catch large Peruvian fish, when the fish is pulled out of the water, the head and body of the person must deviate from the line of fishing to prevent the fish from decoupling or breaking the line and the person. The underfoot rope must be cleaned to prevent the hook from binding. danger, The fishing machine switch should be in the hand or find someone to look at the switch, and use the switch correctly to ensure personal safety.
Attention to tuna longline production
1. Throwing rope
1) Keep the operation side wind, flow, irreversible exile fishing, so as not to catch fishing gear fold, not easy to start.
2 Accurate the direction and flow rate of the current, and consider the wind direction and wind size.
During the rope casting process, the trunk line is required not to be entangled and to maintain a good drape state.
4 When throwing rope, the angle between heading and current must be as large as possible, and the right angle is the best horizontal flow.
2, rope
1 The bow and main line always keep the local train hook about 30 °.
2 It is necessary to control the speed of the ship based on the speed of the hoist and whether there are fish on the branch line.
When pulling the fish, it should be pulled and loose, and when it is powerless, it should be pulled to the side of the boat.
When using bamboo hook fish, you should hook the fish's eyes or Gill cover to avoid damage to the fish body.

Address: No. 1 Xinhua Road, xincheng industrial area, ruian, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province
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ICP:Zhejiang ICP prepared 19030917-1